Thursday, April 11, 2013

Street crossing 101

Apart from the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty New Yorkers seem to be under the impression that crossing the streets without checking if the walk sign says walk is the coolest thing since smoking. What's the reason for this I always ask? The answer is always the same, "I'm in a rush plus pedestrians always have the right of way". 

Jaywalking is a term that originated in the United States and is widely used elsewhere to refer to illegal or reckless pedestrian crossing of a roadway. Examples include a pedestrian crossing between intersections without yielding to drivers.

What are the disadvantages of Jay walking?
  • Death
  • Broken leg
  • Death
  • Broken arm
  • Broken spine
  • Fractured skull
  • Death
  • Concussion
  • Internal bleeding
  • Death
  • Loss of speech
  • Loss of Sight
  • Loss of Hearing
  • Emotional trauma
  • All of the above then death.
And even with health insurance this all sounds expensive.

I'm not sure about you guys but the thought of losing all sensation in the lower part of the body isn't attractive. There will always be another train, bus, or cab. But there can never be another you. We now live in this warped society where WALK means "leisurely strolling" .... Flashing caution light means walk.. And STOP light means run.   Let's get back to simply stopping and taking a deep breath of air when it's not our turn to walk. States such as - California, Texas already issue tickets for Jaywalking and New Jersey will soon follow.

Jaywalking can be very dangerous  for both pedestrians and drivers. Drivers are not  prepared for pedestrians suddenly crossing the street. Even when conditions are slow in one direction of traffic, a jaywalker usually finds themselves trapped in the middle of the street .How many times have you tried to cross the street with a group of people and one person runs into the street regardless of the fact that traffic was still moving, how silly do they look stuck standing on the yellow lines as cars come at them- each side at around 50mph.

A sudden change in a pedestrian's direction also may result in an accident. Intersections and crosswalks  are designed to allow pedestrian traffic to cross laterally, not diagonally. Crossing the street against the direction is not only stupid. its dangerous.Oh and by the way No one Jay walks in CANADA, they know why (wink) .As funny as it all sounds I completely understand why it is necessary, what do you rather a ticket or death.

Commutable safety tip: walk only when you are absolutely sure it's safe to do so, when in doubt just wait.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my oh my....if i tell you how people in Jersey stop cars because they feel they HAVE the right of way? They even look at you (the driver) like you mad or gone crazy LMAO.
