Thursday, June 06, 2013

Wait.. What did you just say?

Commuting with someone familiar usually means one thing- on your mark/get set/ go!!!"chit chat time". Friends, family, co-workers and classmates all engage in a major talkfest from entrance to exit in busses and on trains. Conversations range from grievances at work, relationship drama, sports, all the way to the hottest new or favorite television show. But ever so often I overhear just a small piece of a discussion that makes me think to myself-"wait, what did you say?” I’ve heard various hilarious bits of conversations that have led me to assume either the beginning or conclusion of the story and yes, my imagination usually goes to the extreme. My most recent "wait what" moment came when this woman decided to wrap up her conversation with "it was a booty call gone all wrong"... Whoa what did the body of this conversation entail? I chuckled to myself. A few of my readers have already address the "wait what" phenomenon and they shared a few moments for my entertainment but unfortunately some of the contents were too much for poor commutable to handle but do not worry!  I did manage to pick a small amount of quotes from commuters to share.

-"And I told him he definitely needs to get that looked at"…. (Hmm I wonder what “that” is)
-" That’s why I let my dog do his business on their lawn"…. (What ever happened to loving thy neighbor?)
-"If plan a doesn't work, then straight to plan b because we have to show them that we mean business"...  (Plan B sound very suspicious to me)
- And most recently one rider was inquiring about a drink that Rider # 2 was carrying in his hand and he replied a power shake with ginseng, helps me focus. Rider #1 - under his breath "focus? Just do a few LINES for focus dude….
 (Whoa, my life would have been better off with out that) 

Personally I think conversations should be at least filtered/ and or edited before introducing them to the public. I’m pretty sure you have heard a few of these crazy bits that immediately makes you think- I don't think I should be hearing this. And as usual i dream of the day that I will see tickets being issued for individuals who expose our minds to these poisonous/ yet sometimes hilarious conversations, that linger in our minds, If even for a few seconds, because time lost can never be regained. 

Commutable safety tip: Be aware of these nutty dancers on the train, one man almost got kicked in the face trying to play it cool with these B Boys busting  "dope moves".


  1. ya know just yesterday, myself and a car of overly polite subway riders had to tolerate two loud and clearly disgruntled employees of some company's accounting dept. Every single person in the car gave them a look of disdain but as is the norm, no one said a thing. I guess if they can become that agitated by an accounts payable mistake then who knows what they're capable of if they were to be reprimanded?

    By the way...LOVE the blog...keep 'em coming

  2. LMAO...Booty call gone wrong? He needs to get that looked at? Ahahahahahahahah OMG. See this is why i love your blogs hun. But i must say i miss those awkward train conversations which should be kept private but people end up sharing with the rest of us that have nothing to do with it but end up leaving the train thinking about "that" weird conversation LOL.

    Love it as always
